We are well-acquainted with all the important things you'll want to know about a neighborhood you may be considering...the quality of schools, the number of children in the area, the safety of the neighborhood, traffic volume, and more.
We can help you determine the price range you can afford and search the multiple listing services for Houston homes (or apartments) you'll want to see. With immediate access to homes as soon as they're put on the market, I can save you many wasted hours.
When it's time to make an offer on a home, we can show you ways to structure your deal to save you money.
We can explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of mortgages, guide you through the paperwork, and be there to hold your hand and answer last-minute questions when you sign the final papers at closing.
Please visit our website at www.davidthelocator.com or call me direct at 281-235-7811 or our office at 281-326-HOME for all of your Real Estate and Apartment needs! We look forward to visiting with you soon...
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